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< i don't ever wanna feel like i did that day | posted at 9:34 pm on June 10, 2003 >

i didn't sleep at all last night, not for any real reason, just the insomnia.

today i had my last uni class for the semester, now all i have to do is hand in one more essay by thursday, 5pm, and it's all over. truly i should've handed it in today, but who would do that if you had two extra days? (evidently everybody else...)

so that's six weeks off, but the employers don't need to know that. i should, however, inform them of the extra time i will be needing off next semester... two of my workmates jokingly suggested just to drop out today -- one goes 'you're going to be here after you graduate anyway' (which is likely true) and the other 'all these students are madly studying to get to the dream job that you already have' - here i replied 'dream job! pff! so they can go home and accidentally pick up the phone as '[company name], sarah speaking?'

he laughed and said, 'hey, i started here answering the phones...'. i replied, 'but you didn't do it at home, did you?' to which he chuckled, realising, and said 'no. but i did call the teacher 'mum' many times at high school.'

at least i wasn't that crazy.

so that's it then. urgh, i don't want to write the remaining 700-1000 words of this essay, so very tired. but it's got to be done. tuesdays are hell for me, because it's 9-12 work, 1-5.30 uni, then straight from uni to piano lesson which begins at 7 (so i get to my home train station at 6.30, usually, then down to the sticks where i used to live - i've had this teacher for 12 years - by 7, usually just barely), then home at approximately 9.30pm, with a 9-8pm wednesday. i don't foresee this changing next semester, in fact, it will be even worse as i will have a monday night 6-9pm class. which is why i'm trying to get out of going to work on tuesdays at all.

i'm off. i have an essay to finish, damnit, and i'm gunna finish it t'day. night. day for night. la nuit americane. auteur. truffaut. whatever.


i'm back at 11.17pm
it's finished, oh, yes, it's finished... with about 2750 words (sheepish grin - i told you, gotta love the 10% leeways). let's all celebrate! that is, of course, that i pass and don't have to resubmit... well, even if i do, i'm cruisy for at least a week before she sees it. in any case. right now i'm done! :D

those last five
- - June 13, 2008
hidden - August 14, 2006
it's not me, it's you - January 30, 2006
boring. Sorry. not really. - December 22, 2005
twenty-one - December 09, 2005