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< light up, light up... as if you have a choice. | posted at 10:49 pm on November 12, 2004 >

i'm confused.

Boy Upstairs thinks he is my boyfriend, but i met someone on wednesday night who i really like - actually, i've met him before, and liked him then, but thought he wasn't interested - then i found out on wednesday night that he was.

and then i kissed someone who i have been in love with for years goodbye on the lips.

but i do like the Boy Upstairs. but i do like the Wednesday Night Fellow, and, well, i'm not thinking about the goodbye kiss because i'm pretty sure it didn't mean anything.

speaking of wednesday night, i had a fantastic time. got home at five, and i'm seriously coming down / hungover right now. almost got kicked out fof the after-after-party for being the toilet too long.

ok i need advice. this is the story of Wednesday Night Fellow. because i want to know whether or not i should contact him, and what i should do about Boy Upstairs.

so as the after-after-party is wrapping up, this girl comes up to me (i had met her earlier in the night, once, as the girlfriend of someone else i'd met a few months ago on a shoot) and says 'Hey, we're going for a few drinks after this, and I think my friend Andrew would really like you to come along with us.' her friend Andrew, by the way, is the Wednesday Night Fellow who i always thought was cute but never thought was interested, but to whom i spoke with quite a bit on the night.

so i say 'Ok, I'm a bit tired, I'll think about it.' and she is trying to convince me, but leaves me alone.

Half an hour later they turn the lights up and are kicking us all out, so she finds me again and says 'he's really shy, we're leaving now, we're going to XX in XX, you should really come, he really wants you to come.' So I say, 'Well, I'm going to hang around with my work friends, we're going to YY in YY.' XX and YY are about... 20 mins apart.

she says ok. about an hour later - takes us ages to find cabs - we turn up to YY.... and Wednesday Night Fellow is already there. Yes - coincidental change of venue? So I talk to him for about half an hour, then I leave, nothing happens, no swapping of numbers, nothing. No indication from him that he is interested at all, besides his friend (who is not at YY, by the way), and the fact that he changed venues.

do I email him? what do you think? it's all so very confusing! I need ADVICE!

also I was wearing someone else's jacket over my dress - i was apparently looking cold, and some nice fellow just draped his jacket over me, without even asking. it was quite nice of him. But must have looked suss to Wednesday Night Fellow. I did, however, make a point of going 'I don't know whose jacket this is! Someone just put it on me!'

*sigh* and then what do i do about Upstairs?

those last five
- - June 13, 2008
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boring. Sorry. not really. - December 22, 2005
twenty-one - December 09, 2005