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< don't let it roll right by you | posted at 7:36 pm on July 11, 2003 >

so friend rang and asked me out to afterparty that begins at twelve tonight, citing that a few others would be around earlier so that it would be ok to head in before midnight.

i think, all right. i might as well. i'm not doing anything tonight - and although i'm exhausted and sitting in front of a heater in my pyjamas with oily hair, i might wash it and change and bear the cold, perhaps. for a night out. and she says, she is meeting with an 'old acquaintance' of her own, tonight, and might perhaps need some support. so i think, all right. for a friend.

(and perhaps for someone else who was going to go, no, not my old acquaintance - well, a girl's gotta move on don't she! *sigh* oh so many futile attempts... still hold the flame for so many 'former' infatuations and ghastly encounters... um... let's move on.)

i tell parents that i am possibly going out tonight to a late movie and that i will stay over at a friend's place (the truth would be too complicated and the answer would be invariably NO). but when they are shocked at my apparent audacity to ask to go see a late movie (who knows? the late movie could have been, oh, i don't know, a bug's life II or something), i get angry because lord! what eighteen year old is forbidden to go see a late movie, of all things! my god!

so i am angry because they wouldn't let me go out to a late movie even though i wouldn't have been going out to a late movie anyway.

typical teenager. indeed, i think the actual reason behind their adamant responses is the fact that as they won't let me drive the new car yet, they'd have to drive me the good half-hour, and they're too lazy. i can recount many late-notice late movies that i attended in my vroomvroom driving days. without any hassle.

so... i think the solution is to just be patient, patient until i am permitted to take the car... i feel about seven years old, waiting to be allowed to do something again. eighteen year old 'freedom' my fucking arse.

the real sadness of tonight - and i'm not joking, i was distressed to learn this - is the editorial of this news article. fuck me dead. but, but, i love delta!

closed the issue today. can't wait the twelve days until we get our pretty, pretty magamazines back into the office. with my article proudly displayed on page 22. or 23. i can't remember.

those last five
- - June 13, 2008
hidden - August 14, 2006
it's not me, it's you - January 30, 2006
boring. Sorry. not really. - December 22, 2005
twenty-one - December 09, 2005