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< as long as there's a victim on tv | posted at 11:03 pm on June 18, 2003 >

folks i just did the national driving test. don't scoff! ok, scoff. i had to, how else was i going to redeem the fact that i wrote off the car six months after procuring a license?

needless to say i beat every group bar the driving instructors and slaughtered my mother, who barely passed, and now owes me two dollars.

two whole dollars! that's, what, ALMOST a coffee!

lately at night have been sending random messages to people i think will enjoy them, as when the odd thoughts pop into my head at some ungodly hour i generally sms them now. these include, but are not limited to: 'a visionary coward says that anger can be power, as long as there's a victim on tv.' [song lyric, googoodolls]; 'video killed the radio star' -- a day later -- '... and talkies killed the silent film star, how ironic!'; 'do i dare to eat a peach?' [from the love song of j. alfred prufrock by t.s. eliot] -- followed by 'i give you tonight to find the poem where it's from!' then upon request for a clue, 'i'd've cheated and googled the words by now'; 'we are not guys, we are hot chicks. what are you doing man, that's carl!' [quotes from dude, where's my car? and the simpsons respectively; general ramblings on how i am turning schizophrenic...

i think it would be marvellously romantic to be schizophrenic. to have all those parts of your brain, the ultimate in talking to yourself... which i do excessively anyway. in any case, i suppose it probably isn't as beautiful as i imagine. but it does make you different, and i always strive to be different.

hmm. mediocre, uneventful day at work, besides verbose emails which as i've mentioned, keep things interesting. a reply from one of my emails entailed 'i did not ever threaten to kill you, sarah, nor would i. i am a glasses wearing lefty vegetarian brit, whilst charlie* is a scruffy person from melbourne. however, please do keep your threats to load disarming, disabling and debilitating viruses to my computer - it will most certainly blow up and we then can get a new one! plots galore!'

i do believe efforts put into an entertaining email can make one's day.

* - name changed because i need to fulfil the paranoid part of paranoid schizophrenic; also it was 'charlie' who told me that i was accused of masterminding a Great DVD Robbery From Charlie's Desk and that my 'Puppet' had concluded that i should be killed; after which i immediately shot off the 'Puppet' the accusatory and threatening email which the above was a reply to. (Q.E.D.)

those last five
- - June 13, 2008
hidden - August 14, 2006
it's not me, it's you - January 30, 2006
boring. Sorry. not really. - December 22, 2005
twenty-one - December 09, 2005