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< and the award goes to... | posted at 8:36 pm on November 13, 2003 >

mmm. for those of you who watched last night, honestly, my head isn't actually that disproportionate to my body, those heels hurt, i don't usually clap funny, the angle was bad, and no i wasn't wearing a toilet roll cover. (and no, i didn't wax all my eyebrows off! just the 'strays'. i got 'reshaped').

and the streaker? there's a great pic of my reaction. and no, there wasn't any hair.

otherwise, i had a great night, which was pretty much a given... great fun. this year, as opposed to last - when i had only been working there for three weeks - i actually knew some people. i walked around and talked to people! exciting. (it is, for me, really). today there was a small debacle as a certain industry name from *cough* australian *cough* idol was booted out of his/her seat by selfish nominees, and we have 'damage control' that situation. interesting notes: none of the presenters talked to me besides uncle bob (carr) and sigrid (thornton); there was a ridiculous pair of presenters who sucked arse hard (guess who?), oh, all in all this year was hitchier than last but hell, everyone got real pissed after so what does it matter anyway?

the production design winner dropped five bucks onto the stage when he pulled out his sign, and kept looking - does it look cheap to pick it up after an acceptance speech? he obviously thought yes, so he left it. a presenter picked it up and pocketed it. (as a joke, of course. he gave it back to him backstage).

best doco was so emotional... the winner, little do y'all know, is actually that trophy girl's brother (as i alternated with her). in fact, we designed the whole order based on the fact that she should present best doco. i almost cried.

in other news, the drinks were good, i stacked it outside and took a bin down with me - only found the cut much later in the night, noticed that a workmate who is notoriously a non-drinker had their first drink in about a year last night and was quire intrigued by it, had jeremy's brother slip on a strawberry and fall into my friend ross (which was funny), had dramas with wardrobe ('helen's shoes haven't arrived! we need a size 39 pair of black heels - stat!) and of course, the difficult stylist... sarah and i changed our shoes into our good ole rubber thongs for the afters as my god they were killing - and since we have the same shoes, we took one of each. didn't notice till this morning. how hilarious!

that huge popcorn box at the end - huge dramas during the day, couriers here and kinkos there - was big muddle, but ended up working well (thanks to moi!), the dress, well, i had to return it today and didn't realise how much of a trashbag i was - my god! - stains all over it (sorry wayne)... felt like some kind of spoilt rock star who borrowed clothes and trashed them then returned them. borrowed pearls, had to sign liability for them, noticed the monetary value of them was wel above $10,000 and realised that's more than my life savings. (!) kept checking to make sure both earrings were in all night, as you can imagine.

didn't end up eating much but did end up drinking loads. that was fun. my former semi work crush told me i looked fabulous, but i really do think i'm on the road to recovery from that, for various reasons. oh! and andrew (collinge) said my hair was nice and he liked my dress (well, that makes one person who does!). the streaker said he liked my dress too. then he showed me a picture of his kid. that was fun.

got home at 4.30. oh and look in page 3 of the herald this morning - kudos to us! anyway. i had a good time. and gonna check to see if more pics are up!

those last five
- - June 13, 2008
hidden - August 14, 2006
it's not me, it's you - January 30, 2006
boring. Sorry. not really. - December 22, 2005
twenty-one - December 09, 2005